Module “Cameras”: recorders and live streams implemented optional support of usage UDP as lower transport protocol instead of TCP interleaving within the RTSP control channel.
0.1.1 - rev 358
alter.ini: new option CHANSHOTS_EMBED that allows preload and embed channel shots into page itself.
alter.ini: new option CHANSHOTS_WATERMARK that allows render some watermark on embedded channel shots.
alter.ini: new options WA_NAME, WA_ICON_192, WA_ICON_512 that allows control PWA behaviour.
alter.ini: new option MODET_ENABLED that enables motion detection and filtering for “My records”.
alter.ini: new option EXPORT_FORCED_SCHED that enabled forcing of background schedule run on export request.
Module “Export” and “My records”: better available records list UX.
Module “Export” and “My records”: all operations now locked while record is being processed.
Module “My records”: optional ability to filter motion from saved recordings implemented.
Module “Users and rights”: new user right MOTION that restricts motion detection access.
Module “Export”: now optional can minimize waiting time after export request.
Module “System update”: system upgrade may be little bit safer now.
Module “Cameras”: now custom RTSP port may be set within camera creation form.
Module “Cameras”: IP+port pair check due camera editing fixed.
Module “Cameras”: the synthetic restriction on the registration of cameras with the same IP has been eliminated.