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faq [2024/10/12 12:43]
faq [2024/12/25 16:04] (current)
nightfly [FAQ]
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 **Q:** What is the recommended OS for installing WolfRecorder?\\ **Q:** What is the recommended OS for installing WolfRecorder?\\
 **A:** FreeBSD.\\ **A:** FreeBSD.\\
 +**Q:** Why?\\
 +**A:** It is always the same.\\
 **Q:** I'm having problems during the installation process, how can I see what's wrong?\\ **Q:** I'm having problems during the installation process, how can I see what's wrong?\\
 **A:** The full installation log can be found at /var/log/wrinstaller.log\\ **A:** The full installation log can be found at /var/log/wrinstaller.log\\
 +**Q:** What is the default login and password?\\
 +**A:** login: admin passsword: demo\\
 **Q:** I'm having problems using the h265 codec, is there anything I can do about it?\\ **Q:** I'm having problems using the h265 codec, is there anything I can do about it?\\
faq.1728726189.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/10/12 12:43 by nightfly